June, 21 2023

Her - Juliet 21

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Relive a historic moment in our bookstore! Julieta 21 chose our space to record her video clip in March 2014.

Relive a historic moment in our bookstore! Julieta 21 chose our space to record her video clip in March 2014.

We are proud to share an exciting event that took place in our beloved bookstore. In March 2014, the famous indie band Julieta 21 decided to shoot their video clip in our space, filling the shelves and corners with music, art and creativity.

Our bookstore, which had previously been an antique store, provided a unique and charming environment for the filming of the video clip. Every corner of our space breathes history and nostalgia, providing a perfect backdrop to capture the essence of the song and the essence of the group Julieta 21.

During the shoot, we witnessed our space transform into a vibrant and lively stage. Every shot, every camera angle and every carefully selected detail reminded us of the importance of music and art in our lives.

The music video, shot in March 2014, captured the unique atmosphere of our bookstore and the energy of Juliet 21's music. Through captivating imagery and a visually stimulating narrative, the music video transports viewers into a world full of emotions and creativity.

We are thrilled to have been part of this project and to have provided a stage for Julieta 21's artistic expression. The video clip recorded in our bookstore in March 2014 is an invaluable reminder of the fusion between music, culture and our community.

We invite you to relive this historic moment and immerse yourself in the beauty of art and music intertwined in every corner of our bookstore. Discover how our bookstore became a stage for creativity and enjoy the magic captured in the video clip recorded by Julieta 21 in March 2014.

Join us on this journey through time and discover the beauty found in the union between music and our bookstore!

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