May, 10 2023

Trade Interview

Imagen noticia

When you think about your business, what are you most proud of?

La Almoneda de Juanito is a typical store of the Rastro of Madrid. With the charm of the stores that have been in the neighborhood for decades and are known by all the neighbors. The attention is personalized and we try to put all the kindness and professionalism that customers deserve. Many of them are regular customers who come to the store because they feel at ease and want to chat about books, culture or life in general.

The store has so much charm that it has served as a film set for movies such as Magical Girl (which won the Golden Shell at the San Sebastian Film Festival in 2014), video clips and fashion productions.

What is the history of your store?

My grandfather Juan Ruiz bought this store in the early 70s of the last century. It was the studio of a painter specialized in portraits of the people of the Rastro. My grandfather transformed it into an antique store, which was very appreciated in those days. At that time, Hollywood stars used to come to the Rastro in Madrid. Charlton Heston or Sofia Loren have passed through the auction...
Today the store is mainly dedicated to the sale of second-hand books in very good condition and old editions, some of them very valuable, others simply very beautiful. We also offer vintage merchandise, because the Rastro will always be the place where you can find treasures from the past.

What is your professional experience?

I have worked as a clerk in different companies until I decided to take over the family establishment ten years ago. Books are a passion shared with customers and now, in addition, it is proving that Culture is a refuge, that it is therapeutic and that it brightens our lives in difficult times.

How has covid 19 affected your business?

Sales have dropped by 50%. Since March the Rastro has not been operating. There is no agreement between the stalls and the City Council to start it up with all the security measures. The establishments want the Rastro to return, but only if all the health and safety measures can be guaranteed.
Until then, we would like it to be known that the stores are still open daily and every Sunday! and that a stroll through the Rastro, from store to store, is still a wonderful experience, until the stalls can return.

What services and products does your store provide?

Sale of second-hand books and vintage merchandise.
We also buy second-hand books and vintage goods. We go to the homes of those who want to get rid of their library to buy it.
Filming scenery for movies, TV and productions that need a place with charm, 20th century atmosphere and an environment full of books and second hand objects.

What other NGOs do you collaborate with?

We collaborate with Father Angel, whenever he needs help. He is our neighbor.

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